Wednesday, October 22, 2008

non verbal communication


This post is kind of homework from last week.

This semester, I'm taking ''Non verbal communication'' class. It's so interesting, and I like it.

Do you know? People judge people if who they are, from the face while they're talking and the quality of voice or jesture . Not from words, the words tell them only 7%.

For example,

There's a woman who waiting her boyfriend on a bench. It's almost 3 o'clock.
They supposed to meet in front of the bench at 3.
In a few minites later, he was coming.
he said ''I'm sorry''
and she said ''It's fine''
but she seems mad.
''Are you mad at me or something?''
''No, that's fine. I don't care at all.''
even though she said that it's fine.
This is non verval communication. interesing, isn't it?

In Japanese culture, people should read other people's feeling all the time. There's some people who don't do it though...

It's sometimes though for me, but I like that part of Japanese culture.

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